Does Cannabis Cause Heart Failure and Stroke?

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Does Cannabis Cause Heart Failure and Stroke?

Over the last week, we’ve seen many headlines about 2 new studies that found “marijuana use raises risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke.” In this article, I’ll review what we know and don’t know about the ...

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Micro-Dosing with THC

Dr. Sulak teaches you how to safely control your cannabis dosage to provide the benefits you seek without intoxication.

cannabis flower

Dr. Sanjay Gupta Letter to Jeff Sessions: Medical marijuana could save many addicted to opioids

Dr. Sanjay Gupta quotes Dr. Sulak’s patient Craig Cambell in an open letter about the benefits of medical cannabis to (former) US Attorney General Jeff Sessions: “This new science sheds...

Cannabis Edibles Dosing Chart | How to Use Cannabis

Foods, gummies, lozenges, and pills containing cannabis can generate effective, long-lasting, and safe effects. but these types of cannabis products are also the most prone to causing undesirable side effects...

Q&A: Dr. Dustin Sulak Touts the Healing Power of Pot

The argument over the health benefits of medicinal cannabis is still going on more than two decades after the first state in the nation –California– authorized it. Seven Days VT...

athletes using cannabis

What’s the Deal With Athletes Using Cannabis During Training?

Until recently, cannabis (aka marijuana) was considered the illicit drug of choice for lazy teenagers. But since marijuana is now recreationally legal in many states, it’s gaining popularity among one...

6 Common Myths and Controversies About High-CBD Cannabis

Do you think CBD is sedating? Is CBD legal in all 50 states? Dr. Sulak wrote 6 Common Myths and Controversies about High-CBD Cannabis to dispel these and other common...

A Physician’s Perspective on Optimal Cannabis Dosing

The key to getting the greatest benefits and the fewest side effects from cannabis is to use it correctly. Dr. Sulak wrote this article, A Physician’s Perspective on Optimal Cannabis Dosing...

stimulate your endocannabinoid system

How to Stimulate the Endocannabinoid System Without Cannabis

In addition to cannabis, some foods and activities can help your endocannabinoid system (ECS) work properly, improve your health, and increase the efficacy of medicinal cannabis. Dr. Sulak penned this...

Moms That Microdose Marijuana for Health Benefits

Dr. Sulak weighs in on the discussion with The Doctors TV show regarding Moms That Microdose Marijuana For Health Benefits. In this segment, Dr. Sulak says that microdosing cannabis is...

What Are the Risks and Benefits of Treating Pediatric Seizures With Cannabinoid Medicine?

Dr. Sulak wrote this article, What are the Risks and Benefits of Treating Pediatric Seizures with Cannabinoid Medicine?, for families considering whether cannabis is the correct treatment for their child...

A Parent’s Guide to Cannabinoids and Pediatric Seizures

For parents who have decided to use cannabis for their children who suffer from seizures, Dr. Sulak wrote A Parent’s Guide to Pediatric Seizures and Cannabinoid Medicine to get help them...

Microdosing With Cannabis: Benefits Without the Buzz

In the midst of a potency-obsessed market where high THC mean everything, there is a growing community of cannabis advocates that are pushing for less consumption as opposed to more. This...

Watch What Happens When This Tourette Patient Smokes Marijuana

Involuntary motions, bodily tics, and muscle twitches plague Billy Wieschollek to the point where he can hardly eat breakfast or brew a pot of coffee in the morning. In this...

women using cannabis

5 Women Who Use Pot (Cannabis) in Their Everyday Lives Share How They Do It

Microdosing with modest levels of THC has little negative side effects, however excessive dosages can have unpleasant side effects. In this article 5 Women Who Use Pot In Their Everyday...

Olivia Newton John

Olivia Newton-John Uses Medical Cannabis for Cancer Pain

In 2017, singer and actress Olivia Newton-John disclosed that her breast cancer had returned 20 years after her initial diagnosis. In this article, Olivia Newton-John Uses Medical Cannabis to Help...

Weed Hangovers are Real & the Worst

“Weed hangover” is a condition that causes exhaustion, a loss of appetite, irritability, and a general feeling of grogginess. It’s real, and a lot of it has to do with...

11 Things To Know About Getting High Before a Workout

While going for a run after smoking weed — or lifting weights or really any exercise — might sound sketchy, there are plenty of folks who’ve already been there, done...

Why Microdosing Is Taking Over Medical Marijuana

Dr. Sulak shares his protocol for microdosing in this article for Rolling Stone Magazine, Why Microdosing Is Taking Over Medical Marijuana: He says that most people have a certain threshold...

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